Sunday, 21 September 2014

24 and 25 weeks.....

I didn't have much to write for last weeks update.....

I don't really have much to write for this weeks apart from the fact that I'm growing :D

I feel baby move constantly and I'm so greatful!  I never thought I would bond with it much after the loss of my angel..... but I am.... and I'm so in love with him just as I am in love with his ohter three sibblings.

We had a bit of a scare the other day.... not a pregnancy related one.... but a house related one.  I woke up andd saw the most odd looking object under my kitchen counter.  It looked to me as if it were mouse droppings.  I looked closely and saw more :(  oh NO!!!!!!!!!

I called hubby, He called an expert and someone to come and clean and disinfect our kitchen.  I unfortunately can get everything clean what with doc saying I can't do a lot with the fybroid.

Anyway... turned out they weren't mouse droppings but some sort of insect larva. HURRAY!!!!!!

The lady that had come to clean the kitchen from cieling to floor  anyway ... cos it need it!!!!!  why am I telling you all of this?  what does this have to do with my pregnancy after loss?  well.... actually it does a bit.

In my kitchen I have a little corner dedicated to my angel baby.  We have a little clay tag with her name on it and a few little plants.  Well As I was putting away stuff in my kitchen drawers.  I caught this lady that had made the clay name piece fall.... grab something and throw it away.  When I eventually looked to see what had happened she had broken half a letter and threw it away!  I was SO angry!!!!

I didn't confront her about it.  I would have probably have been so nasty towards her.  I just thought "ok baby keep me calm and help me ignore it!".


I will need more help before baby is born around the house.... but I'll be damned if I'll ever call her again!

1 comment:

  1. Hello - glad you are OK - sorry about the clay tag. I know that hurts, to have something of your precious baby broken. Love you!
